Are you a new Canteen Supervisor? At the request of our members we’ve produced a number of resources to help you navigate the many processes and procedures required to run a canteen. Simply send us an email and we will forward them directly to you.
- Canteen report to parent body template: How do you keep track of everything that happens in the canteen? Canteen staff can use this editable template to provide regular reports to their employer e.g. monthly/bi-monthly reports to be presented at parent body meetings.
- Daily procedures template: An editable template that provides guidance on the sorts of processes and procedures that occur on a daily basis in a school canteen.
- Action plan template: This tool is a great resource for employers (e.g. P&C) and employees (canteen staff and/or volunteers) to ensure progress is made when plans or actions are developed. Completing this template can help to lead to results by clarifying:
- What actions or changes will occur
- Who will carry out these changes
- When they will take place, and for how long
- What resources are needed to carry out these changes.