WASCA’s range of nutritionally appropriate recipes have been complied over many years from schools of all demographics as well as developed in the WASCA test kitchen. They have proved popular with students, school staff and parents.

All recipes have been colour coded according to the Traffic light system that underpins the Department of Education’s Healthy Food and Drink in Public Schools policy, making it easy for you to make new healthy additions to your menu.

Making recipes healthier or simply making changes to our own dietary habits can be made easier when we know the basics, see our tips and facts sheets on our healthy eating page.

All recipes on the WASCA website are tried and tested. If you have a recipe you would like to use in the canteen and are unsure if it fits the Nutrient criteria simply send it to WASCA and we will assess it for you.

Recipes located here can be searched by ingredient. For example if you are looking for a recipe to use that extra spinach the school garden grew for you simply place spinach in the search bar and you will be presented with all recipes containing that ingredient.


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