The Star Choice™ Buyer’s Guide was produced in response to requests from schools for guidance about which processed food products are suitable for sale in school canteens. The Guide is distributed to all schools in WA and many community organisations. The hard copy Buyer’s Guide is updated twice each year and sent by mail to all schools. Schools will also be informed of new products in the Association’s newsletter CanTeam.

The Star Choice™  Buyers’ Guide lists mainly processed foods that meet varying criteria according to the category of product. Thus, the criterion applied to assess bread products is quite different to that used to assess poultry, fish and meat products. Only products submitted for registration have been assessed. There is no doubt that there are other foods and beverages available in the marketplace that meets the nutritional criteria. The assumption should not be made that a product that is not listed does not meet the criteria.

The Star Choice™ Buyer’s Guide makes it easier for schools to stock and promote healthier choices of traditional convenience products, e.g. pastries, frankfurters, burger patties, formed vegetable products such as hash browns. Although these types of products may be considered more nutritional choices than their regular counterparts, the majority of them are ‘AMBER’. It is recommended their availability should be limited and that they should only supplement the menu choices, the majority of which should be derived from the core ‘GREEN’ foods.

If you would like a copy of the Star Choice Buyers Guide please contact us and we will gladly send you a copy.

Click here for the July 2024 Star Choice Buyers

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