Canteen supervisors are encouraged to attend the kindy orientation session held at their school, this is a fantastic way to introduce yourself to new parents to the process of the canteen while hopefully encouraging volunteers.
A great gimmick is to give each parent a lunch order bag filled with details that introduce them to the canteen such as:
- A copy of the Canteen menu
- Details about how to order
- Volunteering information
- How you deal with allergies to make parents of children with particular allergies feel confident in ordering from the canteen
- For additional supporting resources such as a booklet containing information about packing lunchboxes contact the Packed with Goodness team.
The WASCA kindy video is a short video that contains useful tips and can be played at these sessions.
There is currently no cost for kindy sessions. To book a session please email
The video is supported by a variety of resources, To order resources please complete the Kindy orientation order form and send to