
An effective strategy to market your canteen and a delicious healthy menu is by publishing information via the school newsletter and/or website or social media.

Putting a small article together is not a task that everybody feels comfortable with, so we have developed a bank of interesting snippets that schools can easily print/copy/submit for their school newsletter. This is a great way to keep the school community informed and provide information to parents, students and staff about health and nutrition. See the WASCA newsletter snippets 

Vouchers and gift certificates

Gift certificates/vouchers are a great way to generate a little extra business for the canteen and spread a little joy at your school.

Staff can buy these to give to other staff members to say ‘thanks’ and parents can purchase them for their children to give to teachers as a special thank you. You can also encourage the head of departments to buy one for each of their staff as a way to say “well done team”. Teachers may also like to purchase a pack of 10 at the beginning of each term as a way to reward students in the classroom. Don’t forget, with any marketing strategy you need to get the word out there so make sure you advertise how easy it is to get a voucher from the canteen.

  • Use tag lines such as ‘Gift us to assist us’; or ‘Show you care, say thanks with a gift voucher’
  • Advertise the vouchers on social media (e.g. school, canteen or P&C Facebook page), school website and newsletter
  • Leave a stack in the front office for Administration staff to sell on the behalf of the canteen
  • Promote on a blackboard/whiteboard outside the canteen.


  • As a safety measure we encourage you to sign the voucher; stamp the back of each voucher with a custom stamp (i.e. not one than can be easily copied); and/or create numbered codes with sequential numbers
  • Keep a record of those given out and how much they are for. The records for this are important for your sales
  • Consider an expiry date for when the voucher in valid to
  • Printing on thick certificate paper and in colour will make them more professional.


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